
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Feliz Anu Nuevo!

Our first New Year's Eve in retirement....and in the DR!

Every restaurant and bar in Cabarete offered a New Year's Eve package but that didn't sound like us.  Matt has been busy with his beach clean up project and we have plenty of wood available, so he and Pat cooked up the idea to do a beach bonfire.  We were a little nervous about the weather forecast as there was a chance for rain, but it appeared we were going to be able to give it a go.

Matt collected a beautiful stack of wood for the bonfire.  By the looks of his woodstack you would have thought he'd been doing bonfires all his life.

He also wrote a couple of New Year greetings in the sand. 

The weather actually turned out ok and we had a great time.  There were about 20 of us there.....not counting the dogs!  Pat set up his grill and we cooked hot dogs, sausages and lobster.  Was a great time.  Seemed to be sand in everything, but that didn't dampen the fun.  We lasted until nearly 11:00 when a rain storm blew in.  So we had to dismantle everything quickly and call it quits.  We had intended on a "mature" celebration anyway, so not surprised we didn't make it until midnight. 
Now, on another subject, on Sunday night we had gone into Cabarete for happy hour.  We were coming back after dark so we split a cab with two other couples who lived at a condo on the way to ours.  Well, the cab got to their condo and left them off, then the driver got out.  We had a flat tire.  Nothing for us to do except walk home.  So we had a 30 minute walk on a pitch black street lights at all.  We made it home safe and sound but learned from this experience, in the DR it always pays to be prepared!  We won't leave the house again without a flashlight! 


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